This is the copy of original site which has been supported by Karl Koenig. Karl Koenig died early in the morning on January 18th, 2012 after a protracted illness. Should you choose to read about Karl and his career please read this article recently published featuring Karl and his photography.

Karl P. Koenig

After a career in academic psychology at Stanford and the University of New Mexico, followed by several years in private practice, I changed course and pursued different interests: art and photography. In an effort to learn more about printmaking I studied lithography, silkscreen and and non-silver photography for three years.  After compulsively photographing most of my life I had a large and significant collection of images to work from.

In 1990, almost by accident, I created a new — but old-looking — ‘alternative process’ which I called polychromatic gumoil photography. I should have come up with a sexier name which would be less easily confused with historic techniques such as oil, bromoil, and gum bichromate.   I tried my new idea (see Gumoil & Gravure Processes) and it worked. I published a book and several articles on the discovery and soon found myself giving university lectures, doing demonstrations, leading workshops and exhibiting work worldwide based on the process.

In 1995 I gave up the practice of psychology and devoted my efforts to printmaking and photography. My interests range from the macrophotography of jewelry to magnificent trees; from aging structures of the Holocaust to food stuffs and agricultural architecture. The Gallery includes several examples of the work.

For more on my background, see publications, exhibitions and background.

To purchase prints, see the Contact page.